Will turn 50 years old in 2015 And we are going to party all year long



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All the pictures below represent a Mixer or Event we have planned for that month, and all Events or Mixers have a set date for that event, but not all the details finalized. To see the dates and what we have planned for that date go to the 50th Event Page link above.
The pictures below that say "click here for details" have all the details finalized and are set in stone. Also all of these have a Who's Coming link for you to let me know you are planning to attend, so that I can add your name to the list.

September Event 2014 click here for details

October Event 2014 click here for details

Nov. / Dec. 2014

January 2015

February 2015
I know it's hard to believe, but James Madison High School will turn 50 years old on Sept 8, 2015, and when we think back to those good old days our minds take us immediately back to where so many of our teenage memories were made. Some good some not so good, but each of us has his or her memories from those days that were made behind those brick walls that shaped our worlds and molded us into the people we are today.

So with this in mind, some of us decided to embark on what can only be called the most EPIC birthday party ever. One like never seen before. We are going to celebrate it each month with an Event or Mixer starting in September of 2014 and running through to August of 2015. Our thought here was so many of our alumni live out of town but come back to visit parents and friends through out the year and they could join us for at least one of the Events or Mixers. The final EPIC! Event is to happen in August or 2015 which we hope to be a party to rival all the Super Reunions put together and we are calling it "Graduation."

All of the Events and Mixers are posted on this website on the 50th Events page (link above).

Our goal here is to try to bring as many memories and friends back together as possible and do it for free wherever possible. We need your help in getting the word out about all of this, because we don't have everyone's info and many won't find out about all of this until it's to late. So please share this with everyone you know that went to Madison, wether they graduated or not. We even want those who went there for just a few months.

We are asking for donations for the EPIC Graduation party to happen at the end of this year long celebration at the end, so everyone can attend regardless of their financial situations. The more money donated the bigger and better the party will be. We do have some incentives for making donations. To see those go to the Donation page (link above).

To be kept alerted to all the Events and Mixers make sure you go to the Student Info page (link above)and fill out the form, this way we can send you email about the upcoming Events and Mixers. Please note we never sell your info and we only use it to inform you of Events, Mixers, and deaths of alumni from your year and the year before and after yours.

March 2015

April 2015

May Event 2015 click here for details

June 2015

Auqust 2015